Fertility Answers - Helping Build Families

What is Considered an Irregular Cycle?

An irregular cycle may be a sign of ovulation problems

irregular cyclesIf you have an irregular cycle this can indicate a problem with your ovulation or other conditions that can lead to infertility. We can help when irregular menstrual cycles and infertility are causing problems in your desire to have a baby.

No two women have periods that are alike. Some women have light flows with little cramping, while others have heavy flows and lots of pain. Other women may bleed longer than 7 days, while others experience a 3 to 4 day period. These are considered normal differences in menstruation. However, the most important part of your cycle is its regularity, or how often it comes and how far apart.

Generally, your cycle is considered “regular” if it occurs about every 28 days. This reflects a normal hormone cycle and the hormonal changes that occur each month in a woman’s body as it prepares to release an egg from the ovary. This hormone cycle is also responsible for making the uterus and its lining receptive to receive a fertilized egg.

Signs that you may have an irregular cycle

Most women’s health professionals consider your cycle “irregular” if they are occurring less than every 21 days or more than every 35 days. But, an irregular cycle can also include intense pain, absent periods or periods that seem continuous. The situations below should be red flags that something is not quite right:

  • Very heavy bleeding that requires you to change your pad or tampon every hour or two.
  • Debilitating cramping and pain during your period.
  • Periods that are unpredictable or not having a period at all.

Testing and treating fertility issues that result from irregular cycles

Irregular cycles can be caused by many different issues. Basic fertility testing will help your care team determine the cause of your irregular cycle and dictate future treatment. These tests may include a physical exam, bloodwork and an ultrasound. Your test results may likely indicate a diagnosis of one of these common causes of irregular cycles:

  • An ovulatory condition like polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) can lead to few or absent periods
  • Uterine fibroids or endometriosis can cause excessive bleeding, pain and cramping
  • Thyroid issues can cause menstrual disruptions and prevent the release of an egg during ovulation
  • Certain medications, such as blood thinners and NSAIDS, such as ibuprofen, can affect a menstrual cycle
  • Chronic or prolonged stress can cause your body to release hormones that interfere with a normal cycle
  • Weight issues that cause extremely low or high BMI can cause an irregular cycle

Once we know a diagnosis, our Louisiana fertility specialists have an arsenal of treatments to help with your symptoms and family building goals. A customized treatment plan will be made specifically for you to help with your irregular cycles and ovulation. 

Contact us today if you are ready to get started. 

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