Fertility Answers - Helping Build Families

Gift of Hope IVF Grant Application Received

Thank you for submitting your application to the Gift of Hope!

Your application will be processed to confirm you have submitted all of the required information and that you are eligible to apply. Please be patient as this may take several days. You will receive a follow-up email once your application passes our initial screening. Please note that email sent through our email server is encrypted to protect your personal health data and you will need to register with a password to view the email.

If there is any information missing in your application, you will receive another email letting you know this and to give you a chance to revise or amend your application.

After the application deadline, our selection committee will review all of the applications and select the recipients. Winning recipients will be personally notified and then announced via social media and our website.

Direct all questions to giftofhope@fertilityanswers.com.

Don’t forget to follow Fertility Answers and the Gift of Hope on Facebook. Good luck!